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An elite athlete knows the importance of energy like no other. Without it, you cannot perform. Therefore, elite athletes manage their energy carefully. It is valuable and may not be wasted. And this is how we feel about it as well. We carefully manage our energy @Papendal. Therefore, we have applied a number of smart and saving energy solutions, in cooperation with Eneco, which have brought down our energy use.
Long-term vision and elite sports are inherent. Many young athletes @Papendal train for the Olympics in 2020 or even 2024. We are aware that durability requires long-term efforts as well. You have to think ahead. And that is how we started.
We started implementing our Master plan in 2005. To breathe new life into High Performance Centre Papendal. To bring the centre up to the Olympic level. From the start, durability has played an important role in the implementation of the master plan. We have finished more than ten construction projects in ten years time. We wanted to apply durability aspects to every building stone. New buildings offer unique possibilities to apply new technologies in terms of energy. And that is important, as the energy use in a large High Performance Centre should not be underestimated. It is comparable with approximately 400 households.
The first step in terms of durability was taken during the construction of the Sports and Education building in 2009. Looking to the future, preparations were made for a possible Heat and Cold Storage (HCS). To enable easy connection of the Sports and Education building upon the realisation of an HCS. In addition, the building was roofed with a mos sedum roof. Good for isolation. And hot water solar panels were installed.
The biggest step was taken in 2011 though. We started with the construction of the Arnhem hall and the installation of the Heat and Cold Storage (HCS) with two hot and two cold sources. For cold delivery, for cooling down training rooms, water is pumped from the cold source to the hot source. For heat delivery, heating of the buildings, the flow direction is the opposite. Nowadays, a major part of the High Performance Centre operates on this source, not only the Arnhem hall and the Sports and Education building, but also the Sports and Innovation centre, the training facility of Vitesse and Hotel Papendal. By connecting the existing buildings to the HCS as well, we save 35% on gas consumption.
Other saving measures which were implemented are: double glazing and the optimalization of indoor climate installations. In addition, Eneco placed ten charging stations on the property where athletes and visitors with electrical transport can tank Hollandsewind power from now on. In 2016, the roof of the Arnhem hall was covered with 1270 solar panels. These panels supply one third of the Arnhem hall with power. The Olympic Training Centre also consists of the latest technological gadgets.
These sustainable measures would not have been possible without Eneco. Together, we have enabled these investments. Together, we have created savings of which the money can be used for new developments. Eneco is thus an important partner when it comes to sustainability but also for the entire exploitation of the High Performance Centre.
We try to create the ideal circumstances for elite athletes at our High Performance Centre. An environment where athletes can develop themselves. Where through innovation, they manage to raise their performances to a higher level. Our goal is to create the best possible climate to perform. We cannot manage this without any help. We are therefore pleased @Papendal to have Eneco as our long-term partner.
Ultimately, sustainability goes beyond elite sports. We want to contribute to the reduction of CO2 emissions. For a liveable future!
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