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Sports accommodations

Sports accommodations: from the seventies to top 5

High Performance Centre Papendal has been transformed in ten years time. From a somewhat outdated High Performance Centre to a High Performance Centre which is considered one of the best worldwide. Papendal has grown into a unique training centre where elite athletes can prepare for tournaments in peace and quiet. A trusted home base.

Over the years, countless new buildings have arisen @Papendal. A Sports and Education building, a Sports and Innovation centre. But also many new sports accommodations. A Rock Garden. A BMX track. Our newest addition, the Arnhem hall, is our flagship.

Aside from our elite athletes, clubs and other organisations can use some of our accommodations as well. For instance, the halls in the Olympic Training Centre and Sports Hall West. But also the Rock Garden and the football fields. Or the tennis courts.

Are you interested in rates and availability? Please contact us (+31 (0)26 483 4555).

Indoor sports accommodations

We offer various indoor sports facilities. From weight training room to ball sports hall. And from sprint hall to combat sports hall. Various sports use these facilities. Badminton and handball for instance. Volleyball and wheelchair basketball. Curious about our sports halls? Or would you like to find out more about the Arnhem hall? Look at the overview of our indoor sports accommodations.

Outdoor sports accommodations

A BMX track, football fields and a Rock Garden. Our well-known blue athletics tracks and the tennis courts. All examples of outdoor sports accommodations which can be found @Papendal. Look at the overview of our outdoor sports accommodations.

Henny Kroon

Servicedesk High Performance Centre Papendal

Sanne Vedder

Servicedesk High Performance Centre Papendal