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It is the hype of our time: eSports. The younger generation is constantly exposed to it. During this interactive clinic we zoom in on the world of eSports and the business case of companies active in this special industry. A number of questions will be answered during this clinic:
The host of this clinic, influencer and ex-eSports player Paskie Rokus, enthusiastically takes you into the world behind eSports.
What are you going to do? Not only will you get a look behind the scenes into the special world of eSports, but you will also get to play eSports yourself. You will witness various spectacular practical examples, take part in an interactive quiz and work on a case in which you will apply all Paskie’s tips and tricks within the context of your company! Of course, a game of FIFA against Paskie cannot be missed. Can you beat him?
Would you like to have more information or make a request? Just fill out the form below and we will get in touch with you as soon as possible.