Olympic BMX-racer Laura Smulders
A born top athlete
Laura Smulders, born on 9 December 1993, is a talented BMXer. Her career started at the age of fourteen and after only four years she managed to collect the bronze medal at the London Olympics. In the Netherlands, BMX racing has been popular since the 1980s but only became a recognised Olympic event in 2008. In the years following, not many people took up the BMX bike, but since Laura Smulders made history in London, this sport has become a hot item again.
Led by her brother, Laura became involved with BMX at the F.C.V Wycross. Since 2007 she has been racing for the Meybo Bensink BMX UCI World Trade Team and in 2011 Laura was asked by national coach Bas de Bever to join the top sporter selection level. From this time onwards she was able to formally call herself a Professional BMX racer. Laura trains at the Papendal track and was able to maximise her preparation for the Olympic Games here.
Her quoted success was not the only one. In 2014, during the WK BMX in Rotterdam she won the World Title in the time-race. After this event, Laura came up with the idea together with her trainer Martijn Jaspers to develop their own BMX team. Together with a number of sponsors the first commercial BMX team of the Netherlands was set up by the end of 2014.
Laura Smulders as a sports speaker
Laura is a born top athlete and is well qualified to tell you about the way to the top. Discipline and will power have played a significant role for her during her development. The setting of clear goals and staying motivated have also taken her to where she is today. Laura is convinced that we must keep seeking out new challenges. For her this is the prerequisite to being able to achieve the highest level of achievement. Laura Smulders is a source of inspiration for everyone.
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